Clean Surf Wet Cleaning


CLEAN SURF wet cleaning combines the best cleaning power and efficiency with a genuine commitment to sustainability.

This exciting laundry partnership brings together GIRBAU, with more than half a century of experience manufacturing innovative laundry equipment and IDEAL with their eco-responsible wet clean range and fierce sustainability goals. A brilliant, modern and expert collaboration that will benefit any on-premise laundry or professional textile care operation.

Now you can process delicate or embellished textiles with gentle care as well as effectively treat heavy soil levels that require more intense processing… all in one modern machine!


Here at Ideal, we can get behind wet cleaning. We like it. We believe in it. We’ve seen how good the results can be…

We all have a choice. We have a choice as a detergent manufacturer. We choose wet, because we’re specialists in the manufacture of laundry detergents. We choose to work with Girbau, a family- run manufacturer of professional laundry machinery. Together, we believe that wet is a better way to clean. You have a choice as a professional cleaner.

We believe that wet cleaning is cleaner than dry cleaning, much better at removing and suspending particulate and proteinaceous soils. We know that garments smell, look and feel better. It’s also safer to work with and the system offers real indisputable flexibility; you can still use the same machine to do loads and loads of laundry too.

There have been loads of articles published about how, when and who can claim to have first invented ‘wet cleaning’… To be honest, who really cares. It’s all about who’s doing it now. Who’s interested in making it relevant, affordable, cooler, better – and what is it going to take to reach that tipping point.

Either way, we believe in a wetter future!